Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Killing a Minor

The Filipino community and even the world is currently abuzz about the killing of a minor during a drug bust operation. Is it moral? or is it even legal to do so?

According to the police's version of the story, the boy fought back. He had with him a gun given to him by his father. His father is said to be a known pusher in their community. The son, on the other hand,  serves as a courier. This strategy is commonly adapted by drug syndicates. Minors can not be arrested and will not serve jail terms. Father and son are the run to persons if someone needs a high.

Family, friends and witnesses, on the other hand, gives another version of the story. They said he was murdered. A CCTV footage shows the boy being dragged by two armed policemen. They said the boy even begged for him to be released because he has an exam the next day. Even so, he was brutally shot dead.

People marched on the street in protest of the alleged extra judicial killing (EJK). Politicians, left and right, condemn the brutal act. The social media burns ablaze with people debating on what is right and what is wrong. News media can not stop talking about it. It is indeed a hot sensationalized topic.

The yellows are at it again. In full force, they try their hardest to destroy the current administration's reputation. The barking dog, Trillanes, The jailed drug lords' bedroom queen, De Lima, The terrorist's sympathizer, Hontiveros, The henpecked, Pangilinan and their cohorts just can not stop riding along with this latest controversy. They give statements left and right preaching their own version of the truth. Robredo, the third wheeling lugaw queen, just can not wait to assume the presidency. She really needs to dip her dirty finger into this issue.

According to people in the know, all this drama was carefully staged by the yellows. Just in time for August 21, the commemoration day of their self proclaimed hero. The "hero's" son also said a mouthful regarding the issue, projecting an image of righteousness over their tainted one. Still another version of the barber's tale said that the operation was staged to cover the presidential son's current involvement with the Bureau of Custom's (BOC) failure to detect a large volume of illegal drugs that have entered the country. To blow down the issue, the drama was staged, a life was sacrificed.

Whatever the story, whichever is the truth, the life of a minor should not have been recklessly taken. The boy may have committed a mistake, but he is just a boy. He should have been spared. After all, he is still trying the walks of life. He hasn't mastered it yet. He may have fallen, he may have chosen the wrong path, but the road is still long. He could have been given the chance to right what is wrong.

To all the politicians gaming on this issue, Shame on you!!!!! you scums of the earth. All for your selfish endeavors. To all media practioners, Shame on you too!!!!! for fanning the fire even more. Eat your shit to your delight. To celebrities and netizens who banks on this issue to gain more likes, Shame on your foul ass face!!! Shit on your food and eat it too.


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