Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Overcoming depression

Depression is now becoming a rampant sickness in our world today. It has been bringing a lot of pain to people all over the world, yet it is just being recognized recently. Nobody dares talk about depression. Admitting makes matters worse. It makes one feel more vulnerable. This hesitation stems from wrong beliefs. The fear to be judged differently, holds us back from accepting and admitting the truth.

But truth be told, it is difficult to recognize depression. You may already be experiencing the symptoms, yet unaware that you are going thru it. The sudden feeling of sadness, the loneliness and emptiness inside which were beyond explanation. Have you found yourself waking in the middle of the night with tears welling in your eyes? Tears just continue to flow and you don't know how to stop them. In my case, it usually happens when I'm inside the toilet. Sitting on the throne, tears will just keep falling with no apparent reason. One time, I tried to analyze why but did not find an answer. There seems to be numbness as no feelings is felt yet the tears keep falling.

By the time we realize or recognize the disease, we were already engulfed by it. We have already entered the world of darkness. Everything we do seems meaningless. We find no happiness and satisfaction. Everything we do appears just like part of a routine. We are like robots programed to do each and every task and activities we do. No appreciation, no satisfaction. Then we feel tired. Always tired. The things that used to make us happy seems not to work anymore. We isolate ourselves yet feel like people are avoiding us. We avoid gatherings, we avoid friends and families.

Then we feel sick. Head aches, back pain, stomach problem, lost of appetite, etc. manifest one after the other.  Lost of weight also becomes noticeable. Yet we attribute it to successful dieting, but no, just look at the image in the mirror. Those sunken cheeks, the dark circles around the eyes (which makes it appears like protruding), that awful almost like a skull looking face. Dreadful.

The choice of songs we listen to may also be a hint about depression. Listening to sad love songs even if one is not brokenhearted. Listening to those sad songs just seem to feel right even if we don't relate to it. We just want listening to the sad melody and pondering on the words of the sad lyrics. Our choice of color may also be a clue. the sudden fondness to wear black. Black shirt, black pants, black jacket.... an all black from head to toe outfit. Black everyday, everywhere. Not the fashionable black, but just black. The bedroom color also shifts to black. Black curtains, black sheets, everything black. Then the clutter piles up. Things that you don't need, things that you buy on impulse, ..... the mess just keep on piling up.

How do we get out of it? I too don't have an exact answer. How do we know what to do, when in the first place, we are not even aware that we are depressed?  In my case, I would say I just got lucky. One day, out of nowhere, I got an invitation from a friend to visit her place in a far away province. I don't travel. But I took that invitation. Lucky for me, that is where and how I was healed.

I'm not sure if it was the change of environment. The Inn I stayed in is near the towns church. It was just a street across the Inn. Every morning or every time that I find an idle time, I find myself entering the church. I'm not a church goer but I found solace inside that church. I pray a little, then just sit there looking at the statue of the blessed Virgin, observing the inside of the church, looking at the people coming in and out of the church.

I stayed there for 3 days. By the second day, I already started feeling the change. By the time I went back home, I was healed. I just feel so refreshed. I know I was set free. Only then did I realize that I was indeed depressed for so long but luckily and happily, I am free. It was like a miracle or perhaps it truly was a miracle. I'm suddenly out of the dark. I feel lighter. My perception about things changed. I began to appreciate the people around me. Suddenly, I want to be out again. No need to hide in seclusion.

My problems are still there. The things and situations that brought me to my depressed state were still there, but I don't care. Problems are problems. But each one has a solution. We just have to face them and work on them. The burst of positive energy just keep on flowing. The sudden change of outlook and perception brought about the change that I needed. It helped me manage every situation I'm in. No more darkness.

The whole thing is a process. Just be patient because it will take time. It is not easy and it certainly does not happen in an instant. But do keep your hope alive. Nothing in this world is permanent. Nothing last forever, and that includes our problems. We may have to live with them but rest assured they do have an end. To end these problems, we must choose to end them. Start from something or maybe just anything. Before you realize it, you are on your way to recovery.

To be happy is a choice. Happiness is a feeling. It can be controlled. As we age, we must learn to live a life of and with gratitude. Be thankful always. Grateful for everything that comes our way. We may not always get what we want, but work hard anyway. Do that fervent wish you have, work on that impossible goal you've set, follow that dream your heart most desired. We may fail in some of them, be sad or upset for a while. But hey! that's life. Its not always about that trophy at the end of the game. Mostly, its all about how we get there. Win or lose, its the journey we took that matters. When we look back, its not the medal or the prize that brings back memories, its the story behind each of those journey.

Live healthy, eat healthy, think healthy. A Healthy body leads to a healthy mind and vice versa. Be positive always. The positive things we do attracts positive things back. People will start reacting positively if we behave positively. The positive energy radiates. Avoid the negative stuffs. Stay away from troublesome people. Learn to ignore. We can not change the way people around us were, but we can certainly change the perspective we have about the world around us. If we change our perspective, the world we see also changes. Easier said than done, I know. But believe me, it can be done. If you want something to happen, start the ball rolling. Go on a trip, start a new hobby, look for professional help if needed, ..... One of them will surely work for you. You just have to believe and of course act on it. And when I say act on it, act on it NOW. Go go go!!! 

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