Monday, April 17, 2017

Back from the long holidays

So what happened during the 4 consecutive holidays (The Holy weekend that is)?

As planned, I did my Aloe transplanting. I did all 39 pots. I did the transplanting in 2 days. Too much for a 1 day job. It was indeed back breaking. My legs were numb and my back was sore from sitting for a long period. It was worth all the sweat and pain though. The plants are all looking great now. Not visually appealing as of the moment, as I have trimmed their leaves to a bare minimum. I did so to encourage healthier new growths.

They all look like babies now with leaves and roots trimmed. But in 2 to 3 months they will start to show their beautiful form. And in the 6th and 7th month, they will be as wild as they used to be. Hopefully this time, transferred outdoor, they grow back into their lushly selves. Its summer. With the hot temperature and high humidity, the aloes will surely grow back those thick juicy leaves. The constant sun exposure (not fully direct though) they love will  provide them enough energy to create food they need.

 The soil is a mix of soil less potting mix, vermiculites and a little of compost and vermicast. (For those who are not in the know) Vermiculites are soil enhancers. They make the soil lighter and also provide the much needed drainage of potted plants. Vermicast, on the other hand, are worms manure used as natural fertilizers. This mix is much better than soil or dirt. They keep the plants free from diseases and unwanted pests. If you don't have them, its not a problem. Aloes are easy to grow. Ordinary garden soil mix with sand will be good enough. Just make sure to provide good drainage. Aloes do not like wet soil. The roots will rot if soaked for too long. They will also not grow roots if the soil is constantly wet. Moist soil is good but not wet soil.

Anyway, I have 22 in L size pots (about 12" diameter) and the rest are in S size pots (6" diameter). After 7 months, I hope to be able to transplant some of them into bigger pots. That is if they will grow large and fat as they used to be. Given the right conditioning they love, an abundant yield is expected.


Aside from planting, I also had the chance to organize my computer files. The files are now organized and labeled properly. Ready to be transferred to an external hard disk. The computer I have is an old one purchased in 2009. It is running on Windows Vista. I already received a message that it will no longer be supported by Windows as the support for Vista has already expired. The hardware is Intel Centrino, so there is no way it can handle Windows 10 if a software upgrade is carried out. I guess, its time to buy a new PC. I am contemplating on having a tablet, but can it do what a laptop can do?

Still doing my research and canvassing. With so many choices out there, it gets really confusing. Not an urgent matter though, hope to pick a right choice soon.


Below are my Hibiscus plants. Not yet flowering. Will have to wait 2-3 months for their first bloom.

And here is my ZZs. They are also known as welcome plant so I have them at our entrance. I have their soil refurbished. I added tea leaves to the mix. I hope they like it.

Lovely aren't they. I will make an update 2-3 months later to show you their progress.                   

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