Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Throwback: The Lion King

I was in college then. One day, I was asked by my grandmother to run an errand for her. I was to bring a medicine to her friend who lives in Araneta Ave. I gladly obliged with a plan in mind. I will go see The Lion King which was showing that time. And I'm going to tag along my then 5 or six year old brother, who has yet to see a movie in a movie house. The plan went as planned.

It was early afternoon when we left. We arrived at grandma's friend place around 2:00 pm. it was not her house which I previously thought. Instead, it was her son's lumber shop. We did not get to meet her either. Instead, it was her son who entertained us. After an exchange of pleasantries, my brother and I bid goodbye. We cross the street where a long line of jeepneys were parked. We took the one going to SM Centerpoint. Hooraaaay!!! my heart shouted with excitement as the jeepney's engine started.

During that time, it was already an adventure for me to be able to get out of the house and watch a movie. Life then was pretty simple, bordering boring (if you compare it with today's topsy-turvy way of life). A trip to the theater or even a fast food is such a relief. It gives me a sense of freedom, so liberating.

As we reach the mall (SM Centerpoint), we immediately headed to the cinema, bought our ticket, get some food then head right in to the room where The Lion King is being shown. In those days, No schedule is being followed. You can enter the cinema at anytime you want. Unlike today where moviegoers are only admitted during the start of the scheduled showing.

When we took our seat, the movie was already halfway. That's how things were before. We'll just watch, wait for it to finish, then watch again as it restarts. It was a weekday, so the room wasn't full. I was with a child so that was comfortable and convenient. I looked at my brother and he seems happy and not to mention excited. It was his first time to see a movie inside a theater.

I couldn't remember the first scene we saw. But I remembered enjoying the movie. It was a Disney movie. Who does not enjoy a Disney movie. I love the animation, the good narration, the music. I appreciated that it can be comprehended by my 6 year old brother. I don't have much to explain. He follows the story and understands what he sees. The glow in his eyes shows how mesmerized he was. At that age, in a movie house, experiencing the big screen, the Dolby surround sound system must be overwhelmingly surprising for him.

It was a few minutes before 5:00, when we left the cinema. As the movie returned to the first scene we saw, I told my brother it was time to go. He asked for us to stay a little more. He said he wants to finish the movie, but it will still run for about 45 minutes. We'll get home late if we stay, so I declined his request. To appease him, I brought him to the bookstore and bought him some stickers. We reached home a little before 6:00 pm. Just in time to prepare for dinner.

I enjoyed not just the movie, not just the brief liberty, but most of all to have let my younger brother enjoyed his first experience inside a movie house. I wonder if he still remembers that day. The first movie he saw. And It was The Lion King.   

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